What is Nationally Accredited Training?

National Accredited training is formal training that is recognised throughout Australia. Once training has been successfully completed the student attains a formal qualification of a Certificate, Diploma or Advance Diploma. These qualifications are delivered in accordance with the standards and assessment guidelines outlined in national training packages. The training packages have been produced to ensure that training is current and relevant to the workplace by receiving comprehensive input from relevant industries.

TEAM Inc. is a Registered Training Organisation operating from one site in the Moreland Local Government area. As a Department of Education and Childhood Development provider, TEAM Inc. is approved to deliver nationally accredited certificates from the AHC10 Agriculture/Horticulture/Conservation and Land Management Training Package.

What are the advantages of registered training organisations (RTOs)?

Only RTOs can:

  • deliver nationally recognised courses and accredited Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) VET qualifications,
  • apply for Australian, state and territory funding to deliver vocational education and training.

RTOs can offer qualifications at the following levels:

  • Certificates I, II, III and IV
  • Diploma
  • Advanced Diploma
  • Vocational Graduate Certificate
  • Vocational Graduate Diploma.

Who is the regulatory body for TEAM Inc.?

TEAM Inc. is a Registered Training Organisation registered with the Victorian state regulator Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA).

VRQA is the regulatory body for Vocational Education and Training (VET) registered bodies that deliver accredited training to domestic students in Victoria.

For further information about VRQA please visit www.vrqa.vic.gov.au
